Momentum Calls

Monthly Inspirational Gatherings curated to address collective events in society, economy and politics from the perspective of consciousness research.
Topics include areas of leadership (dealing with power, visionary strategy, the traits of a futurist, inner richness, vast complexity as an embodied practice, how to repair trust, etc.), hallmark events (the success patterns behind elections, the pandemic, Design Thinking the Olympic Games into organizational development, etc.), global societal meta-trends (the play of artificial and human intelligences, overpopulation strategies and their blind spots, pharma, oil and religion, Blue Church vs Red Religion, Feminine Wisdom and The New Masculine, Corporate Shamanism, etc.)
Amongst many others. Input welcome.
Aiming to find the better questions and the less foolish perspectives.

  • Small Biz & Personal

  • 420,-p.a.
  • Corporate Rate

  • 500p.a.
  • Subscription

  • 42monthly

Disclaimer: Safe and gate-kept container, no journalistic exploitation unless otherwise agreed on.