
about that future

The Core of More Life

A new model to make motivation, perspective and level of development transparent: In addition to well-known models of personality, development models make it possible to make the dimension of “time” in human complexity measurable. The Core is currently the most precise, comprehensive model that can be translated to leadership in order to understand people in all their potential, limitations and scope for action – and also as a resource.

The Charisma of Co-Leading

or Collaboration 5.0: What happens when leadership is no longer understood in terms of functions or competencies, but rather in terms of the roles we take on when we enter the room? Awareness of our leadership charisma enables ease in situational leadership and actual joint leadership

Bringing Human Depth into Power

Leadership from the female and male power, beyond the gender debate: What happens when we consciously promote our inner female and male faculties and can play on them depending on the situation? What potential does this open up in leadership?

Warm Data

The value of emotional facts: What do we need so that the keywords Speed ​​of Trust, Employer Branding, Safe Spaces, Expectation Management etc. are not only understood, but also become possible in everyday management?

The Human USPs

in the Artificial & Natural Intelligence debate: what makes us human? What can AI do from a consciousness perspective, and what can it not do? Which areas of application enable us to be more human, and which areas enable us to be more alienated?

Do you have your own topic?

I speak about consciousness, the future, Thought Leadership, Organizational Developement and being a pioneer!

Teresa holds her keynotes in German, English and Machine Language

Schedule a meeting and book her presence for your next event.