Teresa Zimmermann has elevated leadership development onto a new plane of precision and grace.

Teresa has deciphered the five basic patterns we can observe and measure in human growth. Her framework “The Core” is offering accurate transparency of our individual and collective growth, allowing us to effectively address our virtues as well as our challenges.

The simplicity, with which her workmaps human complexity enables swift navigation of “being alive”, carefully spiraling up our everyday leadership behavior towards serving the greater good.

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Hi, I am Teresa

How can I help you grow today?

Advisory / Keynotes / Coaching / Trainings / Courses / Expertise

Measuring Individual Consciousness

Offering full transparency of the maturity level of your mindset to enable you to shift into your next level of impact and ease.

Measuring Collective Consciousness

Recognizing Patterns of Success in Organizations, making them address able to scale the human potential at large.

High Level Leadership Coaching

Empowerment to innerstand the complexity of large systems, shift power dynamics for the greater good and reconcile seemingly paradox situations with ease and grace. Combining embodied inner work with strategic meaning making for impacting at scale.

Organizational & Team Development

Based on deciphering the individual leadership charisma, the psychosocial dynamics of any team or system become tangible, relatable and navigable. Backing any given organizational form with the full transparency of status quo human potential creates incredible swiftness when shifting large structures into more flexibility, resilience and efficiency along a wider vision.

Coaching the Coaches

Elevating the coaching game via offering meta-frameworks and highly effective tools for human risk & potential analysis, leadership embodiment, trauma-sensitive coaching and integrating the masculine & the feminine in leadership and life.

About That Future Keynotes & Dialogos

Thought Leadership live, on stageand in lecture hallsin the areas of pioneering leadership, AI & human USPs, warm data, co-creation, authenticity & integrity and why wisdom is not optional.

Together with her colleages in Vienna, on the British Isles, in Germany and the US, Teresa offers the know how, depth and presence we need to experience a true shift.


Growth lovers

“As one of the leading experts on adult development, Teresa provides absolute key findings on the patterns of human consciousness evolution. These concepts lay foundations for a happier, more integrated life which we all need now more than ever.”

Dr. Richard Pircher
Leadership Coach, Author

“Teresa is a genius. Her work lifts us to our human potential, with unmet acutity, precision and speed."

Dr. Simon Divecha, PhD
Consciousness Action Researcher, Scientific Board of the UN IDGs, Co-Host of PI European Transformative Change Programs

“Teresa is one of my favorite people in the world. Her work, both in business settings as well as in personal development – and I can speak for both – is an absolute game changer."

Jeanny Gucher
Change Strategist & Organizational Developer

“When I first experienced what Teresa’s work, The Core did for me, I was blown away… Because I could read my life backwards with completely new insights. I understood and even more felt why I am where I am now. Plus it gives me both a push and confidence how to go forward and be bold with my next shifts."

Lothar Wenzl
Owner of Trainconsulting, Organization Design

“Navigating the international ballground of science as a woman is a challenge I thoroughly enjoy - especially since I understand how feminine leadership works. Teresa not only has the clarity to see the patterns I co-create, but also the kindness and presence to make me understand and move beyond them. Having her by my side is priceless."

Dr. Nina Pilat
Immunologist, Ass. Prof. Medical University Vienna

“Teresa has founded some of the most important companies working on human consciousness, patterns of life and evolution. Her insights, clear vision and dedication alongside her open and warm personality are breathtaking."

Julia Petschinka
Corporate Communications Officer Austrian Society for Environment & Technology, Artist, Activist

Initiatives, Partners, Networks

Folks at Teresa's side